عن قسم Mechanical Power Engineering

Mechanical power engineering program

For section
About Section
Grew Mechanical Power Engineering Department at the beginning of the emergence of the college under the name of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and design of power in 1976. Then modified the internal regulations of the faculty in 1989/1990 and became the name of the section Mechanical Power Engineering Department.
To prepare specialized engineers who are able to innovate and meet the requirements of local, regional, and international labor markets in the fields of mechanical power engineering as well as researchers who can publish applied research which solves the problems of society, environment, and industry and achieves sustainable development. This is accomplished through paying attention to the quality of educational process, continuous training, and cooperation with governmental institutions.


  1. Preparing a trained graduate capable of making decisions, dealing with crises, solving problems, and competing in the labor market.
  1. Preparing a distinguished researcher who can use scientific research tools to provide innovative solutions and contribute to achieving sustainable development.
  1. Providing expertise and engineering consultancy in all fields of mechanical power engineering to contribute to the development of society, environment, and industry.
  1. Urging students to actively participate in local, regional, and international competitions and conferences.
  1. Improving academic courses and postgraduate programs in accordance with international standards to suit the needs of the labor market.
  2. Activating the continuous evaluation and quality management system to achieve the goals of the program, the college, and the university.

Mechanical power engineering program graduate attributes


The graduate of mechanical power engineering program must be able to:

  1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering concepts to the solution of engineering problems.
  2. Use the techniques, skills, and appropriate engineering tools, necessary for engineering practice and project management.
  3. Use the codes of practice of all mechanical power engineering disciplines effectively and professionally.
  4. Behave professionally and adhere to engineering ethics and standards
  5. Communicate effectively using different modes, tools and languages with various audiences
  6. Model and analyze physical systems applicable to mechanical power by applying the concepts of: Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, and Fluid Mechanics
  7. Use the knowledge of material processing and properties, instrumentation and control, and mechanical design to analyze and design physical systems.
  8. Plan, manage, and carry out designs of mechanical systems using both traditional means and computer-aided tools and contemporary softwares.
  9. Select conventional mechanical equipment according to the required performance.
  10. Integrate legal, economic, and financial aspects to: design, build, operate, inspect, and maintain mechanical equipment and systems.
  11. Consider the impacts of engineering solutions on society and environment.
  12. Engage in self- and life- long learning.
  13. Lead and supervise a group of engineers or technicians
  14. Work effectively within multi-disciplinary team.

Top Ten

Sheref Mohamed Mohamed Radwa

Second in field (الأنتظام الأكاديمى)

Mohammed Ismail Abdelaziz Mo

Fourth in field (الأنتظام الأكاديمى)


First in field (Scientific)


Second in field (Scientific)


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