Teaching and learning strategy

Teaching and learning strategy
The college adopts an effective strategy to ensure that all its educational programs achieve high levels of teaching and learning, ensures the provision and supply of the economic environment represented by the labor market with its needs of the college’s outputs, and confirms the college’s support for its children in practical life and maintaining its position.
The strategy is based on the following points:
- Evaluating learning levels, verifying their efficiency and suitability to the economic environment, and comparing them to high-level reference standards.
- Ensure that faculty members are appropriately familiar with the application of approved policies to achieve the required results.
- Ensure that the quality of teaching is evaluated at the level of students, graduates, and employers, with the importance of using the results and statistics extracted from these sources for improvement plans.

Top Ten

Sheref Mohamed Mohamed Radwa

Second in field (الأنتظام الأكاديمى)

Mohammed Ismail Abdelaziz Mo

Fourth in field (الأنتظام الأكاديمى)


First in field (Scientific)


Second in field (Scientific)


الميثاق الأخلاقي للطالب الجامعي