Library services

Library services
Office Services Department:.
This section is the real interface of the library, and it is the image that the reader or frequenter of the library sees. It is the result of the continuous work that the book’s journey took since it was selected and requested, then indexed and classified to put it in its place.
The Office Service Department is divided into the following:.
First: Metaphor:
Books are loaned to students through the library corner, taking into account an official warning to the College’s Registration and Student Affairs Department not to transfer, transfer, or graduate any student’s registration except after vacating a library from the library.
The metaphor is divided into:.
1- Internal metaphor:
The borrower names those who are hesitant, then presents the library card to the specialist and enters the library to read whatever he wants, as the library operates with an open shelves system.
2- External metaphor:
It is permitted for faculty members, assistants, students, and postgraduate students. Loaning is carried out as follows:
The borrower is given an external loan guarantee form. He completes its information, stamps it with the seal of the Republic’s logo, and brings it to the library along with two personal photos and a stamp for three pounds and ten piasters.
The graduate student must also submit evidence that he is enrolled in the Graduate Studies Department.
- A photo of the borrower is stapled with the guarantee and the other on the library card, signed by the library director and the general director of the college, stamped and given to the student where he can borrow externally.
These guarantees are kept in a separate folder for each study group.
A faculty member is allowed to borrow 4 books for a month, renewable three times, unless another borrower requests them during this period.
Students are allowed to borrow two books for 15 days
A fine of fifty piasters is paid to students according to a memorandum approved by the college dean and delivered to the college’s benefits department to be deducted from the salary of the faculty member and teaching assistants. The student is given a payment permit to be paid into the college treasury and brings a payment voucher.
The books that have been borrowed are recorded in the external borrowing records, where a page is opened for each borrower in which the book number - the author's name - the title of the book - the date of receipt - the borrower's signature upon borrowing - the date of return - the borrower's signature upon returning the book - the recipient's signature.
External borrowing of reference books, periodicals, letters, and books with only one copy in the library is not permitted.
When borrowing externally, at least a copy should be kept inside the library for internal loans.
- In the event that the loaned books are not returned on time, the borrower will be notified that the loaned books will be returned on time. The borrower will be notified that the loaned books will be returned within a week. Otherwise, the books will be considered lost and their price will be deducted from the salary after presenting the matter to the professor/dean of the college (the price of the lost book is estimated at three times the book). +10% administrative expenses).

Top Ten

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Mohammed Ismail Abdelaziz Mo

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