عن قسم Water and Water Structural Engineering

قسمهندسة المياه والمنشات المائية

For section
About Section: starch section 1976 as the Water Engineering and then became Currently water and aquatic plant engineering and became interested in the science of water and facilities see section: Currently looking forward section to become part distinctive and memorable to him as provided for the future in education, scientific research and community development to serve the community
Message section: section provides a distinctive and scientifically educated academic research and development and pilot services to the community a unique and distinctive part of the innovation, quality and moral values

Top Ten

Sheref Mohamed Mohamed Radwa

Second in field (الأنتظام الأكاديمى)

Mohammed Ismail Abdelaziz Mo

Fourth in field (الأنتظام الأكاديمى)


First in field (Scientific)


Second in field (Scientific)


الميثاق الأخلاقي للطالب الجامعي