عن قسم Computer and Syatems Engineering

قسم هندسة الحاسبات والمنظومات

رئيس القسم
Prof: Nesreen zedan
For section
About Section: starch department of computers and systems engineering in 1997 under the name of scientific function as a Computer Engineering and Control and then became a student section as one of the three people of Electrical Engineering in 2001 under the name the current computer systems engineering and was the graduation of the first batch of Section 2003
See Section: Department of Computer and Systems Engineering is looking forward to becoming part dependent submit qualifies its graduates to enter the labor market efficiently and looks forward to providing high-quality scientific research contribute to the development of society and solving its problems
Message Section: Department of Computer and Systems Engineering provides education distinct earns its graduates skills qualify them to compete in the labor market also offers scientific research and theoretical and applied again with the aim of community service

Top Ten

Sheref Mohamed Mohamed Radwa

Second in field (الأنتظام الأكاديمى)

Mohammed Ismail Abdelaziz Mo

Fourth in field (الأنتظام الأكاديمى)


First in field (Scientific)


Second in field (Scientific)


الميثاق الأخلاقي للطالب الجامعي